The Complete List of Koreatowns in North America

Want to experience Korea in your own backyard? If you live in Los Angeles, New York or Dallas, just keep driving until you see hangul in signage.

Here are the biggest Koreatowns in North America and some you’ve never heard of.

Lingua Asia The Complete List of Koreatowns in North America

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Cool Things in South Korea

Here are all the things I find cool in South Korea.

They probably won’t blow your mind, but if you chuckle slightly at some point, it was worth the effort.

Lingua Asia_Cool Things in South Korea

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9 Surprising Things about the Meaning of Jeong (정) in Korean

Jeong is that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you bond with a person, place or thing. It doesn’t require effort and often just happens.

This post helps you:

  • understand what jeong means
  • know when it comes in handy
  • find out how to build jeong
  • learn some useful phrases

Jeong is one of my favorite parts of Korean culture.

Understanding Jeong (정) and How to Build it

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How to Get Along with Your Korean Boss and Coworkers

This guide will help you understand Korean work culture and get along with your coworkers and bosses.

It teaches:

  • How to build relationships
  • What’s expected of you
  • What you can get away with
  • What to avoid

I worked at Korean companies for 5 years.

Korean Work Culture Getting Along with your Boss and Coworkers

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