The Ultimate Guide to Jobs in Korea for Foreigners

Lingua Asia The Ultimate Guide to Jobs in Korea for Foreigners

This post covers all you need to know about jobs in Korea for foreigners.

It includes:

  • How to find your first job
  • When to apply
  • Which Visa to get

I got my first job in South Korea in 2006 and worked in 8 different industries. Here’s what I learned from my experience.

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How to Earn More Money Teaching English in Korea

Everything you Need to Know about Teaching English in Korea
Botanical Garden on Oedo Island

This guide shows you how to teach English in Korea like a seasoned vet.

You’ll learn:

  • How to find the right job for you
  • Expected starting salary
  • What to do before signing a contract
  • How to get better teaching jobs

I got my first job in South Korea in 2006 and worked at private academies, public schools, universities and education companies. Here’s what I learned from my experiences.

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How to Break into Acting in South Korea

Acting in South Korea is a fun way to fast track your career.

Just avoid some easy-to-miss pitfalls and you’ll be fine.

I worked in show biz in South Korea for a few years.

Here’s what I learned.

Lingua Asia How to break into acting in South Korea

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How to Get Along with Your Korean Boss and Coworkers

This guide will help you understand Korean work culture and get along with your coworkers and bosses.

It teaches:

  • How to build relationships
  • What’s expected of you
  • What you can get away with
  • What to avoid

I worked at Korean companies for 5 years.

Korean Work Culture Getting Along with your Boss and Coworkers

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How to Get Severance Pay in Korea as a Foreigner

This step-by-step guide shows you how to get severance pay (퇴직금) in South Korea as an expat.

You’ll learn how to speed up the process and:

  • What to do if your employer doesn’t want to pay
  • Where to file a claim
  • What information you need to present
How to Get Severance Pay in South Korea as an Expat

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Korean Job Titles and Corporate Hierarchy Explained by a Local

This post covers the most common Korean job titles and their duties.

It will show you how to find out:

  • who is important
  • how to address them
  • how long it takes to get promoted

I learned about Korean corporate titles at my first job.

Lingua Asia Korean Job Titles and Corporate Hierarchy
Understanding Korean job titles can make or break your first impression

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